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My name is Kelly. I used to be very dramatic and very boy crazy. What's the point of a diary if you're the only one who will cringe while reading it??

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Two timing parents

I've just busted my mother. I text her letting her know that the first minute of real housewives of jersey was insane. She let me know I am NOT ALLOWED TO WATCH IT WITHOUT HER. So I asked if she wanted to come over. It is 8:30 which is literally my parents bedtime. She wrote back "i'll come in 15 when dad goes to bed"

What is that???? How can she deceive my dad like that?

My gosh I am so excited she is sneaking around because this season is by far the best season I've seen of ANYTHING. I think that that is my fate. me and jake against my bro and his awesome gf.. and against our dad. But according to rhnj, we win. So i'm fine. As long as I win I am fine with any outcome.

I used to be a sickly child. I was a freshman in high school and missed like 80 days of school (who knew being awesome was a sickness). I missed many a friday night to be sick in bed and have my mom come in my room and hang out and watch Boy Meets World With Me. Actually all of TGIF but that one sticks out the most. I still love that. If Boy Meets World was still on I'd watch it with mi madre every Friday night (unless she was busy. She is way more popular than I am).

Bottom line, watching TV with your mom is fun. Prob more fun than anyone else had tonight. FACT
