1. Denial and Isolation
NO NO NO NO NO. Was that a cry I just heard? Didn't I just fall asleep? I just changed her two hours ago. How does she need me to feed and change her already? Let's try sticking this pacifier in her mouth. Maybe that will trick her. No? Now what?2. Anger
This is effing stupid. I hate waking up. Why can't she feed herself? She's almost 3 and a half months. I can sleep through the night without waking up to eat. Why can't she? Ok sometimes I have to raid the fridge but string cheese sounds awesome at 4am.3. Bargaining
"OK Jake, you change her this time and I promise I"ll get up with her the next five times. I'll get up with her every time she wakes up for the next two weeks if you just get up this time"4. Depression
Ugh. My life sucks. Why don't I get to sleep for 12 hours anymore? Why am I not richer? I could afford a nanny and she (or he) could get up with her.5. Acceptance
Eh I'm not that tired anyway. Sleep is overrated. Ok, I'll do this. I can catch up on Buzzfeed while I feed her. She only eats for five minutes anyway. I can have her fed, changed, and back asleep within 10 minutes. This isn't so bad.There's also an unknown 6th step
6. Manipulation
Fake sleep and let the husband deal with it.
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