I leave a week from today to start my new job training. I will be a manager at a restaurant. In order to be a manager at this restaurant I have to go to Dallas for 5 weeks. In order to become a manager at Cubby Bear they said "do you want to be a manager?" i said "yes" That is the end of the story.
I am beyond excited for this job. I have been so bored forever. But months and months and honestly prob years ago Jake and I decided we wouldn't do this long distance crap again. The first few years we dated we figured it out that we saw each other a total of 3 months in like two years. I said I'd never do it again.
The weird thing is it's not for Jakes job, it's for mine. I am the one that is leaving him. He has to stay and guard Haylie dog. He has to pay our bills. He has to buy the groceries. I am the one that will live out of hotels.
I really can't compare my new job with his life on the road. It isn't even comparable. I won't be in a new city every night. I won't be fighting off the sluts (I'm assuming he did. With a bat. He is way hot. If not I will go back and hit him with a bat).
I will be in a nice hotel for 5 weeks. Actually two hotels due to the Superbowl. Even though I really don't care about football it would be way cool to live in Dallas if the Bears were in the superbowl and the superbowl is in Dallas. I'm assuming some people I know will be there.
Originally Jake had to visit me once. I thought I'd be gone for 4 weeks. But if it's 5 weeks, he will visit me at least twice (and maybe more if he wants to drive his ass to Texas).
So in conclusion, this is what we used to look like
That hair is the most embarrassing part of my life EVER
Eyeliner contest
I'm still ok with this and always will be
Things changed a little
About Me
- Secrets From My Diary
- My name is Kelly. I used to be very dramatic and very boy crazy. What's the point of a diary if you're the only one who will cringe while reading it??
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