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My name is Kelly. I used to be very dramatic and very boy crazy. What's the point of a diary if you're the only one who will cringe while reading it??

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy two days before the superbowl!!

Fridays are so boring. If I didn't have to work every Friday I could possibly like them. Saturdays are also dumb. I'm sorry Saturday, maybe you got good grades in school, but I think you are dumb. This week Sunday has decided to not let me relax. I will not be able to watch the puppy bowl like I originally wanted to. I also don't get to go have Sushi Sunday. I have to spend my night at work working the SuperBowl.

I hope I make a lot of money. Weddings are expensive.

The two hours before I have to leave for work are the worst parts of my day. All I can do is sit around and dread what's going to happen. Once I am at work, I am totally happy. It's just the drive that I don't want to do.

I need to invest in a house that is across the street from work. Maybe I can build a house in Wrigley Field. Or maybe I can build a house in my work. It is big enough. They wouldn't even notice I was there. Or I guess I should say they would notice that I'm there. I'm usually there.

I have been reading old blogs about when Jake and I used to surprise each other. I wish we could do that again. Maybe I will surprise him tonight. I told him I would be home around 2am. I think I shall come in at 1:45am and scream "surprise!!!!!!!!!!!"

He will get really mad because he has to work in the morning and I'd imagine he will be asleep.

1 comment:

  1. maybe you can kick jake out of the house and force him to move to fifi or whatever, and then you could go surrpise him! i am so good at fixing your problems.

