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My name is Kelly. I used to be very dramatic and very boy crazy. What's the point of a diary if you're the only one who will cringe while reading it??

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Stupid Hospitals

So Jake had the spinal fusion on Weds. It went marvelously. The doctor couldn't believe how deteriorated his spine was. He was surprised he wasn't in more pain. I'm not exactly sure how the procedure went but I know that he now has cadaver bone in his spine. His family didn't think it was funny when right before the surgery I said "Hopefully the guy didn't die while getting spine surgery."

I had obviously been so nervous for months before the surgery but after seeing the doctor once it was done, I was the happiest lady alive. The doctor was so confident in everything. I just felt great. It was a good two hours before I saw Jake again and became the saddest lady alive.

He has had this terrible pain since January. No one knows what caused it. They're assuming some childhood injury started it. So after doing therapy, getting a few epidurals, getting millions of tests, they had to up his pain meds. Started on one med, switched to a much stronger one, and it just went up and up. For the last two months he has been on some of the strongest drugs there are. And also some of the drugs with the worst stigmas attached.

So the lovely hospital decides to give him like 1/10th of the amount of meds he takes at home. So to say the kid was in the most terrible pain ever is an understatement. I do like to exaggerate but trust me when I say he was way over a 10 on that awkward 1-10 pain scale with all the weird faces that I thought was for children but apparently is for adults too.

I understand the hospital doesn't want to kill him and that there was nothing the nurses could have done without the doctors approval and am happy they were there to help but I literally hated  everyone. It's the hospitals job to at least keep you comfortable. He had a spinal fusion. He should have obviously been in pain. But in such bad pain you're almost brought to tears for two days straight? He slept for maybe 20 minutes the entire time we were there. Bring him down under a 10.

It was seriously the worst thing I've ever seen. What do you do when people are in that much pain? It was even hard for me to make inappropriate jokes (but I still managed to come through).

We are home now. Life is lovely. He is still in terrible pain but nowhere near what he was in a few days ago. I know it's all worth it though. It was an inevidable surgery. I'd rather him do it now that have him do it in another 5 years when we have 9 children running around (octomom who?)
